Sunday, 8 December 2019

Week 11 - Project Beta(?)

Week 11 - Project Beta

"Beta" : "A pre-lease version of software that is given out to a large group of users to try under real conditions. Beta versions have gone through alpha testing in-house and are generally fairly close in look, feel and function to the final product; however, design changes often occur as a result."

oh boy. If this is the definition of Beta, then my game is too far judging by its current state. I finally got my time sorted and began working on it. The weeks before I just put the script in the assets folder so I can work on it when I have the time. What I wasn't aware of is that the scripts are rather incompatible and does not function.

The scripts that started having this problem are:
First, Health Script - A certain value needs to be added to the enemy and player as Health points. This is simple enough... but it's the second script that gives the most problems.

Second, Damage Script - It's similar to the Health Script where a value has to be set as the damage value. But the catch is that the Health Script and Damage Script MUST interact with each other to work. When the projectile; which the Damage Script is attached to, hits the enemy, it must decrease their health and when it drops to 0, the enemy must get destroyed.

For whatever reason, the health and damage script are not working.
There were no errors on the compiler so I have no idea what went wrong.

There was no obvious and hidden signs that the script wasn't working and I can't figure out what went wrong. It's been a full day working on this and it felt like going nowhere.
The enemy is given 10 HP, I was firing projectiles that deal 1 damage.
I have already fired more that 30-ish shots.
If you look at the console; no errors.
This is what a not-so-peachy Unity day looks like...
So with no productive progress has been made this day and everything has gone wrong. At this point, failing this course is as easy as the dying was during the Black Plague.

Please have a nice day.


  1. hi Zhen,

    I really like your blog ! I think most people's games aren't even at first playable stage, nevermind Beta stage so don't feel too bad about it ! As long as you were doing the blog and putting the effort into the course then you'll be grand (or you are grand since this in written after the presentation ?).

    Also I know the pain of a health-bar and inflict damage script, just the mention of them in your blog is giving me PTSD flash-backs to my own game.

    Anyway about your game, have you been working on anything else for your game ? For example, colour, assets, sound and etc ? Since you mention you put together a asset folder then I'm guessing the answer is yes but I'm just wondering because you don't say anything about assets.

    Any way this your last blog I'm gonna comment on so Happy holidays and I hope to see you next semester !

    Sarah H

  2. Hi Zhen!

    Despite your difficulties with your scripts in your game, it's looking really well! I've also had struggles with scripting the exact same things so it's good to see I'm not alone in this sinking boat. I've seen you test your game in person and I'm really impressed by its design and playstyle.

    Have you thought about the look and feel for your game? Right now it looks very plain in terms of colour and textures. Is this blank look intentional or do you plan on adding more aesthetics to the map? I feel that the design could benefit from more attention to really make your game look more complete.

    Well done on all your work this semester and to surviving this module!

    - Kay


Semester 2 Week 6 - Unity 6

Unity Tutorial 6 Alright there's something wrong with Unity today. For the tutorial, there a section that requires you to set up ...